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Taxi from Bournemouth to Ringwood with Ski Equipment

Taxi from Bournemouth to Ringwood. 3.30am pick up from Bournemouth to Ringwood and there was Jo ready and waiting with her first words to be “thanks Mark!, it is lovely and warm in here!”. We expect nothing less than to have it ready and warm for early morning travellers.

A quick run to Ringwood and then wait till 5 am for a job to Southampton Airport with ski equipment, boot bags and general cases. A full car and of we go! the customers found via our website.

The customer spoke directly to one of our drivers who confirmed the price for a taxi to Southampton from Christchurch. They then booked there and then for us to do a nice run through the forest at that time of the morning. A couple of deer eating the grass at the side of the road was a beautiful sight.

For your Taxi from Bournemouth to Ringwood contact Dorset Airport Taxi or to enquire about a booking or for more information on our Airport Cars or Ferry Port Taxi, please use the enquiry form or call us on 01202 481809

Additional contact telephone: 07704 502678

Should you have any further enquiries please email [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you.

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Taxi from Bournemouth to Ringwood

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